Strategist; developed strategic and hyper-growth business plan for small, privately held software company with significant market growth opportunity, including analysis of technology and people available and required to achieve hyper-growth plan.
Strategist; developed succession plan and improved profitability model for small, privately held-software company with limited market growth opportunity, including planning for a major shift in the underlying product technology.
Strategist; developed plans and strategies to assist large, innovative distribution and financial company to manage changing environment of its captured customer base and re-define methods necessary to grow profitability, customer satisfaction and intra-company cooperation, using information as a tool for managing change.
Chief Operating Officer; developed and directed implementation of successful reorganization and hyper-growth strategies.
Chief Operating Officer; managed small publicly traded software company.
Chief Technologist; architected cross-platform cooperative processing strategies and established development standards, providing users unlimited database extensibility and user interface standards.
Division Manager; started new products division, established national presence for the products and created business, product and strategies.
Project Manager; performed needs analysis, directed Computer hardware and software acquisition, installation, and training; designed, supervised development of an office automation, accounting and management information system for a large specialized non-profit organization.
Senior Project Manager; designed a comprehensive multiple Local Area Network microcomputer environment with complete bi-directional links with mainframe.
Senior Project Manager; conducted needs analysis, strategic planning and selection studies for several municipal public safety departments.
Senior Project Manager; designed a departmental microcomputer and mainframe Police Management Information System for mid-size municipality.
Senior Consultant; designed, directed, and conducted Senior Management seminars on Strategic Issues in Integration of Electronic Office Systems.
Senior Consultant; assisted South American oil company to design strategic options to develop a complete management information system.
Senior Consultant; assisted Fortune 2000 company to develop strategic plan for integration of electronic office systems, office automation, microcomputers, and mainframe computers.
Project Manager; conceptual design and development supervision of office automation, fund accounting, and management information systems with strict encumbrance capability for public schools and small governmental entities.
Entrepreneur; proprietor of small chain of microcomputer-based systems retailing with target market of vertical and small businesses, education and professional clients.
Entrepreneur; Chief Executive Officer of microcomputer-based business application software development corporation.
Senior Consultant; analyzed and identified data processing hardware and software needs of Inc. 500 company to automate distribution operation. Engagement included interface of central mainframe to remote data entry terminals and in-house microcomputers.
Senior Consultant; designed and implemented a project bidding model for a large, nation-wide specialized construction company.
Senior Consultant; designed and implemented a labor cost management and control, and completion report management information system for a construction company.
Consultant; analyzed office automation requirements for a large construction firm and managed implementation.
Consultant; designed a network environment for programming and instruction for large junior college, including computer hardware, software, and network system concepts.
Consultant; participated in conceptual framework for a proposed office automation project involving hardware, software, and local area network protocol design and testing.
Project Manager; conceptual design and development supervision of inventory management system for a retail high-tech environment, including point of sale, interfaces to other modules, and user defined report writer for office automation interface.
Project Manager; conceptual design and development of an oil accounting system for joint interest billing and well budgeting for an AFE.
Project Manager; conceptual design for a grain elevator information management system; design of corporate agribusiness accounting model; supervise installation and system training.
Consultant; designed system enhancements to microcomputer business application package of a major independent software vendor to increase response time significantly and simplify user interface.
Consultant; coordinated system design for entry-level, small business accounting system for use by non-professional computer and accounting personnel.
Consultant; performed needs analysis and computer selection for small to medium public school districts for educational computer systems.
Consultant; performed needs analysis, system selection and personnel training for management information system for school district.
Consultant; trained and motivated computer sales personnel in sales, installation, training and support of accounting systems for microcomputers.
Consultant; designed a hardware/software system to perform business development for a general dentistry practice.
Consultant; designed and developed a time-payment management system for a furniture retailer, including coupon book production, late fee management, and system reporting.
Project Manager; conceptual design and development supervision of porting a complete entry-level accounting system from one microcomputer operating system to another.
Project Manager; designed a management coordination and information system for a non-profit organization to enhance in-house effectiveness and outside perception of organization's mission and thrust.