Jerry B. Byrd
2708 Lakeside
McKinney, Texas 75070
(972) 569-9006 ยทยทยท Fax: (707) 929-3926
Summary: Real-world manager/consultant with experience as agent for change in
developmental, growing and dynamic business and governmental environments. Chief Operating
Officer for high technology, high-growth companies. Directed development and
implementation of cellular manufacturing, ISO9000 certification, management teams, rapid
product development teams and strategic integrated information systems. Architected
advanced WAN and cross-platform cooperative processing strategies and systems.
Education: B.B.A., Management, Baylor University
Military: USAF, Captain, Aircraft Commander, Flight Instructor, Flight Examiner
Experience and Accomplishments
1992-Present Consulting Professionals, Inc., McKinney,
Established a professional consulting practice to assist clients in developing and
implementing strategic plans for organizational, information, manufacturing, developmental
and quality systems improvement. Developed and implemented plans and strategies to achieve
ultra-high growth in sales and profitability.
Representative Clients
Nesco, Inc.
- Developed information strategy for high-growth public company with offices in 9 states
and in acquisition mode
- Took responsibility as Chief Information Officer during time of transition and
- Developed complete Internet strategy including injecting Internet services as a
component of company product set
- Assisted with selection of new information infrastructure, including financial and
operations systems
Interstate Battery System of America, Inc.
- Developed reorganization and information strategic plans for $500 million, number 1
North American distributor of a wide range of stored energy products.
- Developed plans and strategies to re-focus internal accounting group for increased
productivity and profitability leveraging information technology to achieve organizational
- Architected high-leverage information toolsets to connect multiple disparate systems.
- Took extended role as Chief Information Officer to implement IS reorganization,
management team building, integrated distributed software system and deployed the system
to 250 sites across North America.
- Introduced process thinking and process mapping to organization.
CMDS, Inc, Harrisonburg, Virginia
- Developed reorganization and information strategic options for a $7 million software
developer of comprehensive systems for higher education.
- Assisted company to adopt a Rapid Application Development strategy that migrated legacy
systems to client server in in one-third the time and at one fifth the cost previously
Span Instruments, Inc. (now Millipore, Inc.), Plano, Texas
- Developed reorganization and information strategic plans for $18 million, family-owned
manufacturer of low and high technology, ultra-high-purity, ruggedized and specialized
pressure sensors for niche markets.
- Took extended (two year) role as Chief Operating Officer to implement reorganization,
management team building, integrated manufacturing and accounting information system,
quality program and enhancement of manufacturing organization and processes to increase
production volume and profitability.
- Grew company from $18 million annual sales to mid-$40 million in two years, while
growing profitability by a factor of 10X+.
- Began implementation of cellular, self-directed manufacturing work teams, key-vendor
program, and ISO9000 certification, while directing a stagnated R&D effort into a
patent-pending technology ready to begin production.
IBM Education and Training (previously: Skill Dynamics), Thornwood, New York
- Developed business plan for new channel opportunity for $300 million technology
education company (a spin-off of IBM) at the request of, and under direct relationship
with, the president; conducted under a non-disclosure agreement.
- Surveyed other organizations within target channel to confirm growth possibilities.
- Surveyed existing business and personnel at Skill Dynamics to develop synergistic
integration plans for new business into old.
City of Grand Prairie Grand Prairie, Texas
- Developed a Connectivity Strategy for the city including remote access,
telecommuting, client-server integration, distributed datasets and "foreign
- Developed a strategy to build teaming notion between the central information
organization and its constituency.
- Developed an approach to allow "foreign" access to appropriate internal
information resources.
1987-1992 United Systems Technology, Inc, Irving, Texas
Chief Operating Officer of $5.5 million fourteen-year-old public company with four
offices in two states and 54 employees. Architected all software systems. Developed
Business Plan for systems development resulting in $850,000 private placement. Directed
relationship with IBM resulting in a position on IBM's Software Vendor Advisory Council.
- Created national marketing strategy, opening three new offices in two states, closing
low-performance offices and becoming one of IBM's "Big Five" national software
Business Partners for local government and member of Software Vendor Advisory Council.
- Started new Public Safety products division, ultimately accounting for half of product
- Architected development strategy, including UA standardization and 50 percent cost
reduction through use of off-shore development company.
- Created consultative customer support, doubling customer satisfaction.
- Improved employee morale by implementing pay-for-performance for all technical staff and
creating a comprehensive corporate philosophy statement.
1984-1987 LWFW Group, Inc, Dallas, Texas
Senior project manager for largest independent consulting firm based in the
south-central United States. Created new Connectivity Practice that doubled company
information systems consulting revenues.
- Directed strategic planning engagements for local government, not-for-profit and
corporate clients, providing clients with mainframe, mid-range and local area network
- Developed needs analyses for large, medium and small clients, leading to RFP and
selection assistance.
- Implemented strategies for cooperative processing, inter-platform connectivity and
down-sizing that improved productivity and saved clients more than $8 million over five
1981-1984 Southern Solutions, Inc, McKinney, Texas
Entrepreneur and president of microcomputer accounting software company. Tripled
revenues in two years.
- Designed new product positioning and capabilities of accounting systems for small
- Designed marketing strategy for magazine advertisements; created distributor and dealer
marketing channels.
- Created trade show presentation, assisting distributors and dealers to increase their
sales by fifty percent.
1974-1981 World Evangelism Foundation, Dallas, Texas
Chief Financial Officer, planner, strategist and motivational speaker for international
non-profit operation.
- Directed the initial acquisition and implementation of comprehensive mid-range computer
system, including design and development of specialized software.
- Recruited and motivated more than 1,000 volunteers each year to participate in
world-wide, "people-to-people" program.
- Raised funds to cover operations, managed all financial matters with $2 million annual
budget and retired debt of more than $500,000 while coordinating merger with $100 million
mission organization.
1967-1974 Various Flight Schools, Waco, TX; Mesa, AZ; Summerville, SC
Flight instructor, ground instructor, Chief Pilot, charter pilot, commuter airline
pilot for various flight schools during college and while at each assignment station in
the Air Force.
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