Consulting Professionals, Inc.

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Maerz:  Professional
Johnson:  Bio
Johnson:  Work
Naden: Professional
Naden: Work
Naden: Details

Staff Consultants

The staff consultants often experience working in diverse consultative processes to assist in completing your engagement under the direction of Principal Consultants.

bulletLynn Gross
Mrs. Gross is a management consultant working with small businesses to help them succeed by creating the tools to analyze the performance of their businesses and create value for their future through long-range planning and succession planning. She is a practicing CPA, preparing financial statements and income tax returns for individuals and businesses. She consults with clients regarding accounting systems needs and implementation.

Ms. Gross's Professional Resume
Send Ms. Gross an email
bulletCarl Johnson
Mr. Johnson has over twenty years of business and senior management experience in communications technology and telecommunications. He has deep experience in the the wireless telephony area, including work with top-tier, International telephony companies. He has recently connected with many start-up organizations, providing business plan development, financing strategies, market opportunity analysis and the commercialization of emerging technology.

Mr. Johnson's Resume
Mr. Johnson's Bio
Send Mr. Johnson an email
bulletJeffrey Naden
Mr. Naden is the Managing Principal for the Supply Chain projects and has over 15 years of experience in both supply chain operations and the deployment of technology to support manufacturing and logistics in the Consumer Packaged Goods, High Tech, and general manufacturing verticals.

Mr. Naden's Professional Resume
Mr. Naden's Work Resume
Send Mr. Naden an email

Overview of Supply Chain Management Information
Overview of Supply Chain Service Offerings


bulletRay Sech

Mr. Sech develops and enhances quality systems for process management. He is highly skilled at coaching and implementing quality systems, as well as utilizing measurement tools, team dynamics, leadership enhancement and executive process management techniques. He has successfully implemented TQM, quality baseline systems and ISO.

Mr. Sech's Professional Resume.
Send Mr. Sech an email.

bulletRichard Roberge

Mr. Roberge has extensive retail experience and focuses on retail strategy development.

Mr. Roberge's Professional Resume

2708 Lakeside, McKinney, TX 75070      (972) 569-9006      More information
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